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 1. Shelley Kofler, KERA News  Democrat Schieffer Calls Perry Weak on Leadership  Democrat Schieffer Calls Perry Weak on Leadership 
 2. Elder Perry  World Wide Leadership Training - Elder Perry   
 3. Elder Perry  World Wide Leadership Training - Elder Perry   
 4. Elder Perry  World Wide Leadership Training - Elder Perry   
 5. Elder Perry  World Wide Leadership Training - Elder Perry   
 6. Elder Perry  World Wide Leadership Training - Elder Perry   
 7. Elder Perry  World Wide Leadership Training - Elder Perry   
 8. Brannon Howse with Dr. David Reagan  The Pope Calls for Global Economic Leadership  Crosstalk America 
 9. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Perry Mason 7 Perry Evades Police  Perry Mason 7 Perry Evades Police 
 10. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Perry Mason 5 Perry Tries To Avoid Arrest  Perry Mason 5 Perry Tries To Avoid Arrest 
 11. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Perry Mason 5 Perry Tries To Avoid Arrest  Perry Mason 5 Perry Tries To Avoid Arrest 
 12. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Perry Mason 21 Perry At Womens Prison  Perry Mason 21 Perry At Womens Prison 
 13. Paul Harris Show  Bob Schieffer at Mardi Gras  as heard on KMOX/St. Louis 
 14. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Perry Mason 12 Perry Tried For Kidnapping  Perry Mason 12 Perry Tried For Kidnapping 
 15. Humphrey Camardella Productions  Perry Mason 11 Perry Arrested  Perry Mason 11 Perry Arrested 
 16. Bob Enyart  Great Calls Are Worth Enduring Some Bad Calls  BEL Jun 2006 
 17. Educasting.org  Leadership: Building Collaborative Leadership from the Ground Up   
 18. Everclear  Jesus Was A Democrat  Single  
 19. Everclear  Jesus Was A Democrat  Single  
 20. Geek Speak, KUSP  2006-11-18: Calls, Calls, Calls  Geek Speak 2006 Shows 
 21. Geek Speak, KUSP  2006-11-18: Calls, Calls, Calls  GeekSpeak 2006 Shows 
 22. Adam Graham  More Broken Promises from the Democrat Congres   
 23. Pete Jackson  Lenin Historys Hidden Democrat  2003 
 24. Pete Jackson  Lenin Historys Hidden Democrat Qa  2003 
 25. Joe Higgins  Discussing the formation of the Fianna Fail/Green Party/Progressive Democrat government   
 26. Joe Higgins  Discussing the formation of the Fianna Fail/Green Party/Progressive Democrat government   
 27. Charlottesville Podcasting Network  Stephen King and John Grisham raise money for Democrat Jim Webb at Paramount event  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 28. Charlottesville Podcasting Network  Stephen King and John Grisham raise money for Democrat Jim Webb at Paramount event  Charlottesville Podcasting Network 
 29. Chris Future  THINKfuture 300 - Tricentennial - Future Of Humanity - Google Shares Revenue - World Hunger - Dead Democrat Voters  2006-10-31 
 30. Brutal Knights  So Weak  Feast Of Shame 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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